Advantages of O-band Amplifier In 100G Ethernet Network Monitoring

Advantages of O-band Amplifier In 100G Ethernet Network

The benefits of using an o-band amplifier for monitoring 100G Ethernet include excellent reliability and minimal service downtime. Furthermore, the optical TAP (Test Access Point) used for monitoring is a passive optical power splitter with a low failure rate. This will reduce the risk of failure in the long run. Additionally, maintenance or failure of the mirrored link has no effect on the primary link’s service.

It is critical to remember that optical communication research and applications are primarily concerned with the end-user. However, the critical constraint here is the expense of network infrastructure, which is shared by a small number of users compared to long-haul networks. As a result, the O-band amplifier network solutions used must provide high-quality services while being cost-effective.

Furthermore, transmission systems based on the 1310 nm wavelength domain should be used parallel with the existing 1550 nm wavelength domain-based transmission. This will enable more efficient use of the current fiber infrastructure. This technique is especially important in highly populated areas where high fiber installation costs.

To know more about this topic, check our blog: O-band Optical Amplifier For Monitoring 100G Ethernet Network


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