Explained: How Does FP Laser Work?

The Fabry Perot– FP laser, also known as the Fabry Perot Interferometer (FPI), is a type of laser that is widely used in the telecommunications industry, astronomy, and other fields. This laser’s primary application is for low-data-rate short-distance transmission over distances of up to 20 kilometers.

How Does FP Laser Work

It should be noted that the FP laser is a more advanced version or substitute for the DFB (Distributed Feedback) laser.

The spectrum width is the fundamental distinction between DFB and Fabry Perot lasers. On the one hand, the Fabry Perot laser has a wide spectrum width and is a multi-longitudinal mode laser, whereas the DFB laser has a narrow spectrum width and is a single longitudinal mode laser.

To know the working of FP laser, Check our blog.


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