Know All the Important Things of DFB laser

Several types of lasers have been invented in the last few decades to tackle the rising need for communication. One such laser is called the DFB laser.

DFB stands for Distributed Feedback. It is a type of narrow-linewidth laser diode or an optical fibre laser where the grating generally happens along the cavity, and not just at the two ends. 

The structure of the diode builds a one-dimensional interference grating, also known as Bragg scattering. Being single-frequency laser diodes, distributed feedback laser provides a narrow linewidth with good side mode suppression. 

About DFB laser

Unlike other conventional laser diodes, distributed feedback lasers do not use two mirrors to develop the optical cavity. Instead, in this narrow linewidth laser diode, grating acts as the wavelength selective element for at least one of the mirrors. It provides feedback, which ultimately reflects light into the cavity to form the resonator.

Primarily, there are two types of DFB lasers – Fiber lasers and Semiconductor lasers. Semiconductor lasers can be defined as the device that causes laser oscillation by passing an electric current to the semiconductor. While fibre lasers are the devices in which the light is channeled and amplified through fibre optic cable. 

To see the principal & Application of DFB Laser, check our blog: Principal and Application of DFB Lasers


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