What Is Gain Chip?
Tunable laser sources are being used in telecommunications to meet various requirements such as performance optimization, channel security, wavelength conversion, and the replacement of fixed-wavelength distributed feedback lasers. External-cavity lasers have several advantages over other techniques, including high power, a broad tuning range, a high side mode suppression ratio, a narrow linewidth, and high performance, among others. The broadband gain chip is a superluminescent semiconductor diode that serves as both a broadband light source and a frequency-agile gain medium is at the heart of the external-cavity laser. What Is Gain Chip? Gain-chips are identical to laser diode chips except that they have a deep anti-reflective coating on one or both facets, which raises or eliminates the threshold of self-lasing. Furthermore, gain chips are divided into two categories: 1. One side optical access (Type A and B) 2. ...